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Bilateral permits

What are bilateral approvals and where can i obtain them?

Bilateral permits are single trip and time permits (annual permits).

Bilaterale Genehmigungen

Bilateral approvals were agreed bilaterally through agreements between Germany and the respective State. According to § 8 Regulation on international road freight transport (GüKGrKabotageV) of 22 December 1998, latest version, they are issued to entrepreneurs based in Germany.
These permits are owner permits with a limited number of permits. They only apply to the entrepreneurs named in the certificate and are not transferable.
The permits can contain conditions such as the requirements for commercial vehicles of a certain emission class.

There are permits for:

  • Exchange and transit traffic; bilateral permits are only valid for exchange and transit traffic.
  • Three-country traffic without passing through the home country; this means transports between two countries, whereby the company must be based in a third country.
    If the third country is Germany (home country), transport is only possible by passing through the normal route.
    Three-country traffic without passing through the home country is only allowed with special bilateral permits.

    Bilateral permits for Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Netherlands, Switzerland, Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Lithuania are issued by the permit issue of the Federal Office in Berlin, which is organisationally assigned to the Schwerin branch. These bilateral permits must be applied for in writing from the Berlin Permit issuing office using the following application form.

    Furthermore, bilateral permits for Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Iran, Israel, North Macedonia, Morocco, Montenegro, Serbia, Tunisia, Turkey, Kosovo, Austria, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Spain, Hungary and Bulgaria are issued by the government of Oberpfalz in Regensburg.

    You can find information on the possible use of permits based on bilateral agreements (tolerance of validity beyond 31.12) here and in the FAQ for road freight transport.